Thursday, August 27, 2015


Posted by Richard H. Shulman, September 21, 2011.
At a press conference, the State Dept., represented by James B. Foley, acknowledged that Sec. of State Clinton is correct — Jewish construction in Judea-Samaria is legal. Nothing in the Oslo Accords states otherwise.
The question of legality is separate from the State Dept. policy finding such building undesirable (IMRA — Independent Media Review and Analysis, 9/21/11,
The U.S. was a party to the Oslo Accords, making the legality of Jewish construction even more acceptable. Accusations that the construction and the Jewish communities are illegal are mistaken. Calling the Israeli presence illegal also is incorrect. So is calling that presence an occupation.
As I have indicated in many articles reviewing the history of Zionism and State Dept. anti-Zionism, State Dept. policies are based on antipathy toward Jewish sovereignty. The State Dept. has opposed the formation of the Jewish State; proposed its dissolution; withheld promised information about Arab military moves from Israel; kept it from ending wars of self-defense against Arab aggression in ways more favorable to it; opposed Israel acquiring land in self-defense, although that is permitted under international law; does not object to Arab building in the Territories and usurpation of land that Arabs do not own; opposed many means of Israeli self-defense or anti-terrorism; armed and subsidizes some of Israel's enemies; criticized Israel for collateral killing of civilians though the U.S. does likewise; and failed to criticize Palestinian Arab terrorism and wholesale violation of the Oslo Accords, that the U.S. endorsed.
The State Dept. bases its opposition to Jewish construction in the Territories on assertions that such construction hampers peace. Poor excuse! No evidence for it. The fact that the Palestinian Authority contends it hampers peace is just part of its bargaining. Logically, Israeli construction and annexation would pressure the Arabs to make a deal while they can.
Going further, there is no evidence that the Arabs want peace and overwhelming evidence that they want to conquer Israel by a combination of diplomatic, economic, social, and military means. (See my other articles for this evidence.)
One problem with the State Dept. is that it retains policies for decades, despite their proven failure. A second problem is that its policies support enemies of the U.S., such as certain anti-Western Arabs and even jihadists such as the Palestinian Authority. A third problem is that the U.S. still sides with dictatorships that persecute minorities or encourage war and terrorism.
The Palestinian Authority (P.A., by a spokesman for the President) said that it would negotiate with Israel if Israel agreed to cease building in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem and agreed with withdraw from all of those areas. It calls such building illegal (IMRA — Independent Media Review and Analysis,, 9/21/11).
The number of Israelis living in those areas is about 500,000. All would have to be uprooted and
The Bedouin nomad wandered throughout the region, not owning land in any part of it. But now Bedouin are claiming legal title to most of the Negev. The radical anti-Zionist Left is Israel supports this. The result of what they want would be a mini-state that bars Jews.
The problem began in the 1970s. The government sought good relations with the Bedouin and to settle all legal land claims. Actually, the Bedouin did not have legal title to land. The government hoped to settle them on some land and end their illegal squatting. The government considered Bedouin patriotic Israelis; they often served in the armed forces.
So, the government offered to let Bedouin file a claim that his ancestors had lived on certain fields, and the government would consider that claim plus conflicting legal evidence. Then it would negotiate a solution. The Bedouin were not asked to document their claim.
Israel did not put much credence in the prospective claims, but considered them a stating point for negotiations. Then the Bedouin would have real houses and get real jobs.
The initial Bedouin claims were for 200,000 acres, including the sites of Jewish farms and towns. Meanwhile, land values rose.
The government offered 20% of the Bedouin imaginary claims, in return for relinquishing the rest. The Bedouin demanded 100%. Finding its reasonableness rebuffed, the government then redoubled its appeasement, now considering 50% of the fictional claims.
Meanwhile, Bedouin have been turning anti-Israel and radical. They fly PLO flags, some join espionage and terrorist organizations, two of their Knesset representatives favor jihad, and their mayor of Rahat refuses to employ Jews.
What does the Left say about all this? They contend that Israel is trying to "steal Bedouin lands" and deny the Bedouin their "rights." They demand granting the Bedouin 100% of their phony claims.
(Prof. Steven Plaut, 9/18/11).
The Far Left distorts the truth in behalf of an unpatriotic ideology. This bespeaks psychosis. Nor is the European Left much better.
Israel is not trying to steal Bedouin land nor deny them rights. To the contrary, Israel was offering them land, and the Bedouin are trying to steal Jews' land and deny them rights. If the Negev were detached from tiny Israel, the Arabs would have achieved a major part of their goal of driving the Jews out. The government of the Jewish state should not be complicit with that Arab goal.
ISLAMIC ANTI-SEMITISM Christian missionaries and Lebanese Christians introduced to Muslims the canard that Jews bake Christian children's blood into their matzos.
Islamic antisemitism asserts that to Islam and its revelations, the Jews are the most hostile. This Islamic belief contends that Jews tend to be treacherous with non-Jews, murder prophets, are arrogant and self-righteous, and are evil in other ways.
Although the Koran seems in this to be referring to historical conflicts with Jews and pagans in Arabia, the orthodox Islamic interpretation considers the Koran applicable to all times and places. They take the hatred in their sacred writings as applicable to Jews now.
Islam had religious laws requiring humiliation of Jews. Until the 13th century, those regulations were not much enforced against Jews in Muslim areas. Jews integrated better than did Christians. The Muslim and Christian populations there resented this.
Thereafter, the Muslim world shut itself off from foreign influence and enforced Islamic law more strictly. Rural Yemenite Jews became slaves. Pogroms flared up in Morocco, Libya, and Persia. The Palestinian Authority still depicts the Jews as evil by nature and plotting against gentile nations. This has been a theme of Islam for centuries.
No wonder that the Islamic world has been receptive to the blood libel and to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which accuses "the Jews" of plotting world domination!
Muslim and no-Muslim apologists deny the anti-Jewish sentiment past and present, although the Hamas Charter and the sermons still being uttered prove otherwise (Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, 8/15/11, islamic-anti-semitism with documentation).
The denial either is deliberately deceitful or psychologically self-deceiving.
Note that calling all Jews everywhere and of all time to be evil by nature, is a racist view of Jewry.
How ironic that Muslims, whose religion aspires to take over the world, and whose Islamists plot global domination, accuse Judaism, which does not even proselytize, of seeking global domination. Fantasy within paranoia.
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at
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Posted by Barry Shaw, September 21, 2011.
They're coming with their murder.
They're coming with their hate.
They're coming with their lies,
that win the great debate.
The world has lost its reason.
The world has lost its soul.
The world has caved to treason
against one that was its own.
Once courage was a virtue,
Now is lost and gone.
Now appeasement is the purview
and honesty's day is done.
They talk of human rights
when people are around.
But human wrongs are hidden
when hypocrisy abounds.
Let's shine the light on those that point
yet hide the guilt of sinners.
Let truth protect the moral ones
and expose the false deceivers.
Let the curses of the cursed ones
fall short of true believers.
For facts and rights belong in truth
with those brave souls with God.
While wicked lies and evil plots
rot in hearts that God forgot.
So worship life, be strong and brave,
for truth, in the end, will out.
And evil ones who make the noise
will, one day, have no clout.
Barry Shaw is the author of Israel — Reclaiming The Narrative. His website is at
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Posted by David Wilder, September 21, 2011.
Watch the video on the rock throwing youngsters here.
The long awaited 'September' is upon us. The so-called war for 'palestinian statehood' is being fought by teenagers, (and younger) throwing rocks (as seen in the video and photos below) in Hebron. These pictures and video (all filmed by myself) were taken behind Beit Hadassah, where I live, from one of our bedroom windows, looking north.
These scenes are not new or necessarily unusual. They are quite redundant, occuring any time the Arab leadership decides that the kids need a day off from school with something constructive to keep them busy and, no, not keeping them off the streets, rather, keeping them on the streets, out of their homes. Nakba Day and other such occasions are great excuses to allow Arab kids to get their arms in shape.
A week or so ago, rocks hurled from the same area, via slingshots, hit outside my daughter's window, on the top floor of the building. During the '2nd intifada' aka the Oslo War, we were shot at from these areas, with bullets actually hitting inside the apartment.
From nearby rooftops, Israeli soldiers watch the action, occasionally shooting stun grenades or teargas at the attackers, chasing them away for a few minutes. And as can be seen in the first photo, the so-called 'palestinian police' are stationed nearby, standing around, watching the fun, probably wishing they too could participate. Unfortunately, experience has taught that all too often they do participate, but not with rocks. Bullets are much more effective.
This is democracy in action, a 'piece process' in motion, education at its highest levels, helping and assisting Abu Mazen create 'palestine' in the UN.
David Wilder is spokesman of The Jewish Community of Hebron. You can contribute directly in Israel to The Jewish Community of Hebron, POB105, Kiryat Arba-Hebron 90100, email: or phone: 972-52-431-7055. In USA, write to The Hebron Fund, 1760 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230, email: or phone: 718 677 6886.
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Posted by Bryna Berchuck, September 20, 2011.
This is taken from Tundra Tabloids
( palestinians-throw-rocks-at-20-month-old- jewish-toddler.html). It was posted by KGS.
Arabs threw rocks Wednesday at an Israeli car between Migdalim and Tapuach Junction in Samaria. A 20 month old girl was injured in the face.
The baby girl received treatment from Samaria Regional Authority medics and evacuated to a hospital. The Authority Head Gershon Mesika said: "The 'men of peace' of the Palestinian murder authority provide yet more proof, to those who still need it, as to just whom we are facing. We face low life terrorists who try to murder babies."
"They hold an olive twig in their mouths and murder weapons in their hands. To these barbarian terrorists they want to give a state. The Nation of Israel is strong, the government needs to learn from it and be strengthened by its spirit — no to folding and surrendering, yes to construction and stamping out terrorism."
View the video here.
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Posted by Paul Lademain, September 20, 2011.
Hundreds of thousands are now waking up to the truth that the boundaries of the Jewish Homeland in the region known as Palestine were established last century, during the Twenties, via the San Remo Resolution that was thereafter ratified by still-binding treaties as well as reflected in the League of Nations mandate that reaffirmed the boundaries (of the Jewish Homeland) after WW I. Until the spread of the propaganda blitz promoted by the Egyptian-born terrorist Yasser Arafat and funded by the nouveau riche Saudis---which anti-israel jihad was later taken up by the one-term X-POTUS, Jimmy Carter, whose "peace orgs" were handsomely rewarded by the newly established arab oil states---the region known as Palestine was invariably associated with the Jews, not the Muslims.
The boundaries established for the Jewish Homeland encompassed the entire region of Palestine and certainly all of Jerusalem as well as the currently contested areas known as Judea and Samaria as well as most of the Golan Heights and the entire region now known as "Gaza". The new state of Saudi Arabia was established in 1932 and its would-be first monarch, Abdullah, demanded that the new state of Saudi Arabia be recognized by the British as an Islamic monarchy because and as reasoned by Abdullah-the-First, the British had earlier recognized Palestine as the Jewish homeland.
Most of the lands of the Jewish Homeland were unlawfully seized by the "Britz" after WW II and wrongfully gifted by them to the Hashemite tribes for to create the new nation of Jordan ca. 1948. The new state of Jordan was settled by the arabs who now want to be known as "palestinian" even though the arabs never settled or owned any part of the Jewish Homeland. The immoral ppst-WWII British government kicked the Jews when they were down-and-dying and the Britz did this dirty deed for to ingratiate themselves with the newly established oil-endowed arab states. In short, the post WW II British occupiers, who had nothing more than a temporary mandate over the region then known as Palestine (aka: the Jewish Homeland) unlawfully shredded the Jewish Homeland and parceled-out most of it to the arab invaders who swarmed into the region that actually belonged to the new state of Israel. And that is when, why, and how the great division between Jews and Muslims, Israelis and Arabs, occurred. Further piecing-away of the lands of Israel is a continuing violation of International law and this is so regardless of the weakminded or ignorant leadership of certain ill-informed rabbis and New York Jews. Remember this: The fascist remnants in the British Foreign Office had no reservations at all when it came to kicking the Jews when they saw that the Jews were down and dying after WW II.
Israel has had some unfortunate leaders whose spines were broken by air-kisses and false promises and these leaders allowed the incurable Euroids to badger Israel into relinquishing its sovereignty over Israel's lands, and so. with no little help from the US State Dept. they together bullied Israel's weak leadership into bestowing undeserved opportunities upon the arab invaders who were allowed to swarm into Jewish Palestine and drop their anchors on Israel's soil. Much like what is happening here in the US right under our noses. LIke Israel, the US now has regions housing both legal and illegal immigrants who do not want to assimilate and who scorn the idea of the US as a "melting pot."
Honest people who want to throw off the cloak of ignorance dropped on their shoulders by the MSM can indeed learn about international law and how it is being systematically trampled by the arab league functioning within the UN (and who are invariably enabled by the guilty British.) Fair-minded people should pick up a copy of Prof. Howard Grief's easy-to-read treatise on international law: "The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law." We found his book on
SC4Z (Secular Christians for Zion) Not Left. Not Right. Just 4 Justice 4 Israel! Viva to the Patriots of Israel!
Paul Lademain is a Secular Christian for Zion (SC4Z). Contact him by email at
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Posted by Truth Provider, September 20, 2011.
This is by Herbert London and it is archived at 
Herbert London is president of Hudson Institute and professor emeritus of New York University. He is the author of Decade of Denial (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2001) andAmerica's Secular Challenge.
With a vote at the UN this week on Palestinian statehood it is appropriate to ask if the United States will save Israel or will Israel save the United States.
After ten days visiting defense installations in Israel and talking to members of the general staff, my confidence about Israel's ability to defend itself has soared. This tiny nation of seven million is a miracle of technical marvels and remarkable spirit. Every weapon system this nation buys is Israelized. The Israeli drone is a composite of parts from several nations and Israeli avionics. The F-15 is an American plane adapted for the conditions in the Middle East neighborhood.
While some native Israelis lament the decrease in national spirit, the IDF education program instills in every draftee a sense of national history and purpose. It is inspiring to meet teenagers of eighteen and nineteen who are prepared to make battlefield decisions. One twenty-one-year old brigade commander in an elite unit is an articulate warrior, and at least as sophisticated as most officers ten years his senior in the United States.
In their book Start-Up Nation, Dan Senor and Saul Singer point out that these soldiers who are given great responsibility become desirable candidates for corporate recruiters. A highly decorated communications unit had three times the number of applicants as available billets. As one officer pointed out, these youngsters can secure some of the nation's most desirable jobs once the tour of duty is over.
As Israel is not saddled with a hydra-headed bureaucracy expanding to meet regulations and oversight committees, Israel's military force is lean, adaptable and alert. Incompetence at any point in the chain of command could be deadly.
The larger U.S. force structure and international missions militate against the adoption of an Israeli system. Nonetheless, there is much to be learned: the hair-trigger response to attacks of any kind; the ability to move ground troops quickly, and the surveillance tools are unquestionably a source of security strength. Israel, despite residing in a turbulent area with 250 million hostile Arabs, is a unique illustration of military preparedness.
There are those in the United States who believe Israel is a strategic liability. As long as we are committed to its survival, they say, American forces will be obliged to be in harm's way. Of course, what these detractors overlook is that Israel is the eyes and ears for the U.S., in a region fraught with extremists. In a real sense, Israel is the first line of defense in the war against radical Islam, a war that promises to be long and bloody. Israel is not merely an ally, it is a democratic nation in a despotic wasteland.
This war is not only likely to be long; it is a civilizational battle in which liberalism with its attendant values of individual rights, free markets, private property and the rule of law is pitted against an eighth century adherence to conformity and an opposition to personal liberty. Israel assumes the vanguard in this struggle, in part because of its location and, in part, because its very survival is dependent on prevailing against its adversaries.
To return to the question of whether the U.S. can save Israel or whether Israel can save the U.S., is to realize that the relationship is symbiotic. The U.S. needs Israel as a first line of defense, a barrier against the expansion of radical Islam; Israel needs the U.S. for technical advances and the assertion of international power. If the day comes when the U.S. believes Israel can be set adrift, international equilibrium will be permanently disrupted. Israel is for the U.S. a listening post in a world where intelligence is critical for security. As political currents are roiled by expressions of regional dismay and religious orthodoxy, U.S. interests are uncertain. This condition, perhaps more than any other, explains why the U.S. needs this extraordinary ally in the Kingdom of David.
Yuval Zaliouk writes the Truth Provider columns. To subscribe, send an email to
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Posted by Robin Ticker, September 20, 2011.
Though perhaps we don't agree with all that is written in these declarations, myself included as explained below, there is good reason to address this declaration seriously and really extend our imagination and envision, as the co signers have, the actualization of our dream of 2000 years of Am Yisroel having Jewish Sovereignty in Eretz Yisroel that is governed by Torah and not by secular law. Let us welcome the courageous stand of Neemanei Eretz Yisroel and rather than condemn it, brainstorm and be part of a new dawn, a new age that really demonstrates our Emunah Peshuta, our simple belief in G-d and our belief in our Holy Torah with concrete action and not merely lip service.
While the majority of the people of Israel are not quite ready for such a revolutionary suggestion of a government based on Torah, the communities in Judea and Samaria are open to it. Now when Israel faces the prospect of a hostile Palestinian State governed by Sharia Law glorifying shahidism side by side the State of Israel, the prospect of a sister Jewish Authority side by side the State of Israel governed by the Written and Oral Laws of Torah and a Sanhedrin, does not seem quite as threatening.
It does not seem likely that Netanyahu's government would have what it takes to annex Judea and Samaria. Let us take advantage of this window of opportunity and explore the possibility of a government that is based on the Torah and Hebraic Law as a prototype in Judea and Samaria. Even if Judea and Samaria was annexed, G-d willing, establishing a prototype gov't based on Torah in Judea and Samaria is a revolutionary idea and should be done small scale. I suspect that the majority of Israeli's will be afraid of religious coercion. One can not simultaneously govern according to secular law and religious law. That is why there needs to be a distinction in the way these Torah Authorities are governed along with collaboration and cooperation with the Secular State of Israel.
Let me incorporate some of the ideas presented by Prof. Eldad at the Jabotinsky Memorial.
To paraphrase Prof. Eldad. What has been obvious for generations is no longer obvious and the people are very confused.
Those that cosigned this declaration of Neemanei Eretz Yisroel clearly understand that Eretz Yisroel has intrinsic value of its own and is not merely a tool. Eretz Yisroel is the aspiration of the Jewish People for thousands of years as MK Eldad eloquently pointed out at the Jabotinsky Memorial hosted by AFSI in Manhatten this past Thursday, and not merely a place of refuge for the Jewish People. Let us free ourselves of the shelter mentality and proclaim that Eretz Yisroel is our homeland. It is a Holy Land which acquires it's sanctity to its fullest when the Nation of Israel, G-d's Chosen People, adhere to the Commandments on the Land. Eretz Yisroel can not be traded for "peace". It is not negotiable by "leaders". Pieces of Land can not be swapped. Drawing lines while negotiating territorial compromises do not lead to peace but lead to war. The shelter mentality according to Dr. Eldad is the source of our weakness.
Where is our yearning to keep the commandments and bring forth the sanctity of the Land prescribed by the Torah? Will the Palestinians keep Shemittah?
The extended borders of Eretz YIsroel are the borders promised by G-d to Abraham. In Parshat Masei, those borders were reduced and instead of being commanded to conquer 10 Canaanite Nations, Joshua was commanded to conquer 7 Canaanite Nations. Perhaps this was as a result of the Sin of the Spies. Yet the Jewish People still dream for the Messianic era when the borders will extend till the Euphrates as promised to our forefather Abraham. Personally, I do not believe that this time has come because the Sin of the Spies has not been rectified. In my opinion, the sin of the Spies will be rectified when all the Rabbis unite and reestablish a Jewish Court by Temple Mount also known as the Sanhedrin.
I am unaware of any Rabbinic commentary who suggests however that the expanded boundaries of Eretz Yisroel is nullified and void and replaced by the reduced boundaries in Parshat Masei. It is understood that the expanded boundaries will be the accepted boundaries for the Messianic times,
It is for this reason I would not support the campaign which states that Jordan is Palestine as promoted by MK Eldad. MK Eldad is proposing a solution that is not based on reality but on what he believes will be a palatable solution that Nations of the World will find acceptable. This temporary solution is deceptive since, eventually there will be a Sanhedrin and G-d willing one day, G-d's Covenant with Abraham will be fulfilled and the borders of Israel will be extended to the Euphrates.
It is my understanding that MK Eldad says that 80 percent of Jordan is anyway Palestine, and anyway the Arab Spring will affect Jordan as it did Egypt and it's inevitable that the Palestinians will take Jordan so why not make the most of it.
I see problems with this argument.
  • Why promote Nazi sympathizers next door.
  • Jordan is not the homeland of the Palestinians. Palestinians actually come from all over and they are from many different Arab countries. Let them all return from where they came from. The further the better. Mike Huckabee suggested Saudi Arabia and not Jordan because as he said it's too close for comfort.
  • The Hashemites Kingdom, (King Abdullah) are Noahites. At least that is my impression Surely they do not promote the destruction of Israel as do the Palestinian Authority. The emblem of the Palestinian Authority is proof of the Palestinian agenda.
I do not suggest the deportation of any Palestinians. According to Prof. Eldad, forced transfer is against the law and Rabbi Kahana was marginalized because he advocated something that is against the law. Rather let us take our cue from Joshua who gave the residents of Canaan 3 choices.
  1. Accept Jewish Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide laws Their status is then of Ger Toshav with many rights and the Jewish State will look after their welfare.
  2. Leave to wherever they choose, the door is open for them to leave. Surely there are plenty of Muslim countries or non Muslim countries that they will find much comfortable than a Jewish country.
  3. Stay and fight the Jews and accept the consequences of War.
In conclusion, let us conduct an open debate regarding how Jews can once again establish a government true to the Torah.
fyi, What follows is some of the Neemanei Eretz Yisroel declarations. For the rest, visit Neemanei Eretz Yisroel at
The Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel
12 Elul 5771
September 11, 2011
The Secretary-General of the United Nations
The President of the Security Council
The President of the General Assembly
It is with great pleasure that we bring to your attention that on September 8,2011 the Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel was proclaimed as a political and legal entity at an assembly of the residents of the Land of Israel convened in Nofim,in the Shomron (Samaria).
The Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel derives its legal existence from the title of sovereignty of the Jewish People over the regions of Yehuda (Judah) and Shomron (Samaria) granted by the Almighty to their ancestors and subsequently recognized by the Principal Allied Powers in April 1920 at the Peace Conference convened in San Remo, Italy; confirmed by the Council of the League of Nations in July 1922; and preserved by Article 80 of the Charter of the United Nations adopted in 1946 — though as yet not implemented by the State of Israel.
The confirmed existing sovereignty of the Jewish People over the regions of Yehuda and Shomron precludes any legal possibility of recognizing any foreign political entity that may claim sovereignty over this area, and any decision in favor of such recognition is patently illegal and as such — is null and void.
The Provisional Executive Committee of the Jewish Authority in the Land of Israel will hold within one year free democratic elections in which registered residentsof Judah and Samaria will be eligible to choose their own leadership.
Very sincerely,
Rabbi Shalom Ber Wolpo, Beitar Illit
Professor Hillel Weiss, Elkana
Mrs. Anat Livni, Nofim
Mrs. Ruth Eisilowitz, Hod Hasharon
Att. Boaz Shapira, Tel-Aviv
Yonatan-ben-Eliezer:Amarcol, Jerusalem
Mr. Yoel Lerner, Jerusalem
The Jewish Authority established in Yehuda and Shomron, with its Capital at Jerusalem, is the sole autonomous representative of the Jewish People in accordance with recognized Law.
The Authority completely and firmly rejects Netanyahu's plan calling for the creation of "Two States for Two Nations".
No "leader" is invested with such authority, nor can any leader be invested with such authority.
The Authority will see the UN as an aggressor as long as the UN obstructs the free and legal exercise of the Sovereignty of the Jewish Nation throughout the Land of Israel.
The Jewish Authority calls upon all of the Peoples of the World to join together with us, individuals and families, Christians and Moslems that accept the Torah of Moses, the Prophets and the Holy Writings, to create a World Forum as an alternative to the UN, to support the Jewish People and to join in a World Pilgrimage to the Temple Mount.
The Jewish Authority will hold free elections in accordance with the Torah throughout Yehuda andShomron, as well as in the Capital, Jerusalem in order to properly appoint a leadership that truly represents the fundamental principles of the Jewish Nation and will safeguard the People's Rights and the People's Security.
The Jewish Authority calls upon the State of Israel, as well as to all of its agencies and its institutions, to adopt the Fundamental Principles of the Jewish Authority in a formal Resolution.
The Jewish Authority rejects and negates any "decision" by the Supreme Court and/or any other court the ffect of which is the impediment of Jewish Rights, including the Right of Self-Determination of the Sovereign Jewish People, and certainly any "decision" which contravenes the Torah of Israel.
The Jewish Authority will establish and maintain a system of Justice in accordance with the legal principlesof the Torah throughout Yehuda and Shomron, including in the Capital, Jerusalem, insofar as the Jewish population understands its vital importance.The Jewish Authority will support the raising of funds for building, security and agriculture as well as local cottage industries throughout Yehuda and Shomron.
The Jewish Authority supports all activities that promote an increased Jewish Presence on the Temple Mount.
We also call upon the Moslem Arabs that live in the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, as well as throughout Yehuda, Shomron and Binyamin to participate in the elections upon acceptance of certain documented conditions as follows:
A signed declaration of acceptance of the Koran in its entirety, and therefore acceptance of the fact that the entire Land of Israel, from the Euphrates to the Nile, is the Land of the Children of Israel, the Jewish People of today as the direct descendants of our Fathers that stood at Mount Sinai with Moshe the Prophet, Master of all Prophets, who has never been equaled.
A signed declaration of request for status as a Resident of the Land in consequence of an oath to observe and uphold the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah according to the Torah of Israel and to be faithful to the Principles of the Jewish Authority, specifically that theJewish Authority has the exclusive Right to operate throughout the Land of Israel.
In lieu of paragraph 2. (above), one may elect to convert with the intention of accepting and fulfilling the Commandments according to the Torah of Moshe and Israel.The above is predicated upon an oath of Allegiance to the Jewish Authority.
One who abrogates these conditions is considered an enemy and will be deported at the earliest opportunity. We are confident that this approach and the world-view that is presented here are the key to peace among all of the Nations of the world, the Jewish People and the Creator.
We pray together with all of God's loyal peoples:
"May it be His Will that God's Presence pervade the World that He created inkindness and mercy, and that He bring the Redeemer of Israel, the anointed scion of David, to his Holy City as is right and proper for all times. Upon his throne nostranger shall sit, and no others may inherit this honor! Blessed are You, our God, the Lord of Redemption!"
To read the declaration, goto P102.jsp?arc=200357&kw=
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Posted by Veronique Chemla, September 19, 2011.
This Sunday, September 18, 2011, around 13 pm-14 pm, boarding at the counter of the Israeli airline El Al at the airport of Roissy (near Paris), the pro-Palestinian activists have prevented the registration of passengers and their luggage bound for Israel. This has disrupted air traffic.
Activists shouted "Death to Jews!" "Death to Israel!"
"According to witnesses and victims on site" a horde of wild terrorized, threatened, intimidated and passengers, "says BNVCA (National Office of Vigilance against anti-Semitism)."
The police remained passive.
It took the indignant reactions of BNVCA and Dominique Lunel, lobbyist and "agent of many Jewish organizations" to the prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis department where is located this important airport Paris region, and the police (PAF, Police border) brought calm. Five individuals were arrested, four of which placed in custody for non-declaration of protest. The fifth was charged with insulting agent.
The BNVCA wishes that "those responsible are arrested and brought to trial for disturbing public order and incitement to hatred. The BNVCA "stresses that" Palestine "is the primary source of anti-Semitism in our country."
"We must remain vigilant to the approach of the return of Palestine to the United Nations, to enforce the law in France, and not let extremists take action of this kind. The authorities must be particularly tough on those who import the conflict in the Middle East and ideologies that have no place in France, "said Dominique Lunel.
These activists have shown the futility of distinguishing their antiisraƩlisme anti-Semitism. Their hatred of Jews, whatever their nationality, they shouted it with impunity. As acted with impunity those who have advocated the boycott of products of the Jewish state in supermarkets vandalizing loudly whole rays of articles. Those actions were filmed and shown on the Internet.
It is surprising and distressing that police remained inactive in the face of these disturbances of public order and did not react on hearing the death threats against Jews. Ignorance of the distinction between a crime and freedom of expression? Lack of training? Tolerance or understanding? These agents would they have been slow to intervene if the violence occurred, for example before the Air France desk?
We interviewed the AĆ©roports de Paris Group on the inactivity of the police. We will forward their response upon receipt.
September 19, 2011, Melanie Coviaux, Paris-Charles de Gaulle's Press service, advised me to speak "directly to the police to get an answer."
We asked the prefecture in Bobigny.
A claimed "protest"
The website EuroPalestine issued a statement on the "protest" that lasted "more than half past one in the whole terminal 2 without incident" to "protest against the military campaign announced by the JDL [Defence League Jewish NDA] against the Palestinians." Among the slogans: "JDL fascist Sarkozy accomplice!","Sarko, GuƩant, you participate in the massacre of children"! unjustifiable verbal abuse and a "protest".
These activists would therefore have occurred on September 18, 2011 because the JDL (Jewish Defense League) announced on September 3, 2011 a "journey of solidarity" of the "September 19 to 25" in "solidarity with our Israeli brothers living in the land of our ancestors in Judea and Samaria". A convincing argument? No, because the departure dates do not coincide.
An excuse for pro-Palestinian activists eager to raise tension in France as we approach the UN vote on "Palestine"? Likely.
In any case, unnecessary tension which have borne the brunt of passengers, especially children and the elderly.
This is archived at slogans-antijuifs-laeroport-de-roissy.html
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Posted by Dr. History, September 19, 2011.
The behind the scenes moves of President Obama, US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice against Israel, while mouthing soothing platitudes to the Israelis and his American Jewish voter base. Read the article and PASS IT ON.
This appeared today in Huffington Post.
...Over the last few years, the Obama Administration has encouraged the Palestinians to make bold moves. While shifting U.S. policy away from Israel, President Obama clearly and definitively told the Palestinians to...plan for statehood. Within five months of taking office, Obama spoke in Cairo to a massive Muslim audience in what the White House billed as the President's first major address on Israeli-Palestinian relations. Arab leaders were hopeful and sat waiting to see if the new President of the United States with a Muslim father would change the status quo. And Obama didn't disappoint. In his speech, Obama made clear: "I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world." The President went on to celebrate the Muslim faith like no other U.S. leader had. Arab leaders believed their time for equality had come — and Obama was on their side.
In that June 2009 speech, Obama apologized for American military might, Guantanamo Bay, the Iraq war, colonialism and even what he called our "self-interested empire...." After rebuking anti-Semitism and the tragedies of the Holocaust, Obama made an unusual comparison: "On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people...have suffered in pursuit of a homeland...." He went on to say, "The situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own." It was the early sign Arab leaders were looking for from the new President. They saw the President's comparison between the Holocaust and the plight of the Palestinians as an indication that statehood and international acceptance would come....
After the Cairo speech, the Obama team tried to assure the Israeli government that the President would not take sides. But soon thereafter, Administration officials did. Despite long-standing U.S. policy to encourage the parties to confront their issues at the bargaining table and to adamantly reject any outside influence making unilateral decisions, Obama himself called for an end to settlements and to start negotiations using the pre-1967 borders.... Obama's Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, also consistently skipped Security Council meetings when Israel needed defending and even failed to show up for the emergency session on the Gaza Flotilla incident. The Israelis felt abandoned and the Palestinians were optimistic that the U.S. was not going to protect Israel....
But in perhaps the boldest U.S. move, Rice secretly negotiated with the Arabs on acceptable language for a possible UN resolution to condemn Israel's settlement activity.... When the Israelis got wind of the scheme, they cried foul. Conservative lawmakers quickly joined forces with the Israeli government to force Obama to change his position. In February of 2011, the U.S. vetoed a UN resolution on Israeli settlements that Susan Rice had started negotiations on with the Arabs. The Palestinians were furious and rightly so. After all, they had just spent weeks with Rice going back and forth on acceptable language to make Israeli settlement activity a violation of international law. Rice's rejection of the long-standing U.S. position of only encouraging direct negotiations led the Arabs to believe they were on a different path. Previous U.S. Administrations had bluntly threatened vetos on resolutions that made unilateral declarations but Obama's team was clearly open to the idea.
Arab diplomats also point to Obama's 2010 statement that he wanted to see Palestine a member of the UN by September 2011 as proof that he wants them to make bold moves. While Obama has sent the same lower level diplomats multiple times to the region to encourage direct negotiations, he hasn't sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It's no wonder the two sides haven't spoken formally since September 2010. Instead, the Obama strategy has been to push the Israelis to accept Palestinian demands even though their unity government includes Hamas, a group the U.S. government classifies as a terrorist organization....
Before the beginning of the Obama Administration in January 2009, candidate Obama spoke of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict in simple terms. His belief that he could bring the opposing sides together to find a solution was based on the premise that he is a likeable guy and if he could just get the two sides to sit down together their issues would be secondary. The Arabs saw Obama's characterization of Iranian President Ahmadinejad and his willingness to directly negotiate with Hugo Chavez his first year in office as promising....
So it's no wonder Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas exclaimed Friday, "We are going to the Security Council." Despite some media reports that the U.S. has been working hard to convince the Palestinians to drop their bid for statehood at the UN, the Administration's late discussions with lower level diplomats signals something different. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice spent this past week in what seemed anything but frantic. She hosted a documentary film screening, tweeted about the International Day of Democracy and Friday spent the afternoon at a local New York City high school with Congressman Joe Crowley at what was billed as a "Back-to-School" event. She didn't even mention Israel or Palestine.
With all the signals the Obama administration has given the Arabs, no one should blame the Palestinians for seeking a reliably welcoming audience.... The Palestinians...[will now] appeal to [the] consistently friendlier, anti-Israel...UN. They can't trust the Obama team — and neither can the Israelis.
Contact Dr. History by email at
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Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, September 19, 2011.
This was written by Natasha Mozgovaya. It appeared in Haaretz, and is archived at u-s-republicans-submit-resolution-supporting-israel-s- right-to-annex-west-bank-1.385394
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) introduces House resolution that supports annexation if the Palestinian Authority continues to push for UN vote.
U.S. Representative Joe Walsh (R-IL), introduced on Monday a resolution (with 30 co-sponsors) to support Israel's right to annex the West Bank in the event that the Palestinian Authority continues to push for vote at the United Nations.
"We've got what I consider to be a potential slap in the face coming up with the vote in the UN, which is absolutely outrageous," Walsh told Politico website last July.
He was quoted as saying that "it's clear that the United States needs to make a very strong statement. I would argue that the president should make this statement, but he's not capable of making it. So, the House needs to make this statement, if the [Palestinian Authority] continues down this road of trying to get recognition of statehood, the U.S. will not stand for it. And we will respect Israel's right to annex Judea and Samaria."
Meanwhile on Sunday, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) delivered the keynote address at the Jewish National Fund's 2011 National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. Boehner said that it is the U.S.'s duty to stand by Israel "not just as a broker or observer — but as a strong partner and reliable ally."
Referring to the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN, Boehner said that "Israel has demonstrated time and again it seeks nothing more than peace ... a peace agreed to by the two states and only the two states. Like every prime minister before him, Prime Minister Netanyahu knows peace will require compromise — and he accepts that. He welcomes that."
Gabrielle Goldwater is a Member of "Funding for Peace Coalition" [FPC] (
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Posted by Zubrin, September 19, 2011.
Here is an article that is a terrific satire on the Palestinian state.
This was written by a scientist who uses the pen name Jonathan Swift. It appeared in Pajamas Media and is archived at for-the-reestablishment-of-the-prussian-state/
It is melancholy to contemplate the homeless condition of the Prussians, an ingenious people whose remarkable antics in prior ages did so much to enliven the politics of Europe. Indeed, now that world opinion has grasped the necessity of returning the descendants of the Arabs of Palestine to their ancestral residences, it must certainly be the hour for a similar service to be rendered on behalf of those belonging to the tribe of the great Frederick.
For while it has been some time since that glorious state known as Prussia graced the map of our fair continent, still the lands of the Prussians were theirs and theirs alone, until that fateful day not yet seven decades past, when the awful Poles, seeking to reestablish a country for which the world had no apparent need, rudely cast them out.
Thus exiled, at barely the same moment as their Arabesque counterparts, the poor Prussians have ever since been forced to endure life stateless, wandering amongst such diverse foreign peoples as Saxons, Westphalians, Rhinelanders, Bavarians, and, even in some cases, Americans, people with whom they have nothing whatsoever in common, and whose company they must certainly find nearly beyond endurance as they continue to pine away, yearning in eternal agony for their lost homeland.
Oh, the pity of it all! Does not Justice herself cry out in anguish, denouncing the continuance of such hideous circumstance? Surely all men of reason and good will must give their whole-hearted assent to the proposition calling for the rightful return of the Prussians and their reestablishment upon their native land in their natural state. But how can such a noble and necessary project be accomplished?
Here is my plan. Let the nations of the world send out their constables to seek out and gather up the Prussians, their sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, wherever they may be, so that they may be returned to their true country. To this, the Poles may object, but no matter, as land can certainly be found bordering upon the area of Polish occupation, upon which camps of many tents may be erected, capable of housing the Prussians in all their myriads, until the day of their deliverance arrives.
It may be that some few of the Prussians themselves might find relocation to such accommodations objectionable, but this need not concern us, as our interest must perforce be to provide for the Prussians that which our more elevated point of view allows us to discern as comprising their proper and higher needs, rather than the simple comforts that they, with their more limited viewpoint, merely want.
Such refugee camps having been established and made suitably miserable, scribblers from the principle rags of all the major capitals could be invited to attend upon the scene, and by bearing witness, shock the conscience of the world as to the cruelty of the evil Poles, whose wanton theft did so mercilessly deprive the pitiful Prussians of their homes, their lands, and all hope for a life worth living.
Should these tales of woe prove insufficient, greater horror could be created as required, for example by distributing Lugers, potato mashers, Schmeissers, panzerfausts, flammenwerfers, and other traditional Prussian paraphernalia to their little boys, so as to excite them to engage in futile attacks upon the Polish soldiery. The babes, thus remade into bloody or burnt mangles, could then be readily displayed with artistry sufficient to move even the most heartless of politicians to demand redress.
This done, a conference could be called of all the principle powers of the planet to agree upon new boundaries for the two states, Prussia and Poland, so as to enable them to live together amicably in accord with the principles of eternal Justice, in precisely the same wise manner as is now contemplated for Israel and Palestine. As a starting point for such apportionment, the borderline should first be chosen to be that which pertained in 1942, before the rude Polish annexations made during a particular moment of Prussian disadvantage distorted the previously established arrangements. These boundaries, however, could then be adjusted by such further trading of territories as might be mutually agreed between all the parties in attendance.
In this way, the Prussians might be restored to their land, their state restored to its ancient grandeur, and Europe restored to peace, just as it was in that golden age before the fanatic Poles saw fit to wreak havoc and misery upon all the world.
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Posted by Richard H. Shulman, September 19, 2011.
NATO forces neither bombed nor secured the missiles and other arms that Ghadaffi had stockpiled. As a result of that oversight, some of his arms depots have been found looted. Who has those arms, now?
The likelihood is that smugglers have seized and distributed those arms to a swath of tribes and terrorist organizations throughout Africa. They will be in a position to wreak more havoc and domination in black African areas. They may turn North Africa into a no-fly zone. Therefore, although NATO countries have spent billions on containing al-Qaida in Afghanistan, they may have given a major boost to al-Qaida and its allies in Africa (Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, The American Spectator, 9/19/11 north-africa-instability).
What a tragic blunder!
President Bush was criticized for starting wars without figuring out how to end them and how to leave the country in safe and recoverable hands. One of his critics was Barack Obama. Now President, Obama appears to be making all the same mistakes and contributing his own mistakes.
Hindered by lack of a workable concept of, or name for, the enemy, Obama refuses to call the enemy "Islamist." He deprives our country of a comprehensive view and policy on global jihad.
The Israeli judiciary commissioned a study comparing the sentences of Jewish and Arab convicts. The study found that Arab convicts average longer sentences than do Jewish convicts. The survey did not conclude there was discrimination.
The notion that Israeli courts discriminate against Arabs is foolish, because the judiciary is dominated by leftists sympathetic to Arabs. The far leftist Supreme Court reviews and reverses lower court decisions.
Nevertheless, without any evidence for a conclusion, Haaretz, a far leftist daily that sympathizes with the Arab cause drew one. It concluded that sentencing that works out differently for the two nationalities indicates discrimination, "No Doubt About It."
The flaw in the daily's rationale is to assume that two population groups have the same circumstances coming into court. However, sentencing depends on the severity of the crimes. Arabs tend to commit more severe crimes in Israel.
The same thing occurs in the U.S., as between blacks and whites. Death penalties usually are applied for more severe crimes or under certain circumstances. Murder of police and slaying during armed robbery are some of those crimes and circumstances. Blacks tend to commit a higher proportion of those crimes, relative to their population, than do whites.
Taking those factors into account, convicted whites are disproportionately sentenced to death (Prof. Steven Plaut, 8/4/11).
Prof. Plaut has described the anti-Zionist tirade of an Arab judge in Israel.
In many articles, I have shown that the Israeli judicial system picks on religious and right-wing Jews, especially protestors.
Attacks on Christian Institutions:
  • Egypt: Muslims angered by the installation of a church bell — under Sharia, churches must not offend Muslims by ringing bells — went on a violent spree, attacking among others a 5-month pregnant Christian woman and others who were "beaten with iron rods and pipes." 
  • Indonesia: Christians were forced out of a church building and hounded even as they tried to worship at the side of the road. 
  • Nigeria: Two churches were bombed simultaneously; at least three Christians died, several were injured. 
  • Pakistan: Under accusations of "blasphemy," and with the help of a local politician, Muslims attempted to annex a Christian hospital established in 1922 by missionaries. 
  • Tanzania: Muslims burned down two churches to cries of "away with the church — we do not want infidels to spoil our community," and vows not to befriend "infidels."
Sexual Abuse of Christian Women and Misogyny:
  • Egypt: Muslims "severely sexually harassed" a Christian woman in front of her husband at a bus terminal; when her husband tried to defend her honor, he was violently beaten. Soon afterwards, thousands of Muslims in the region began looting and torching Christian property, screaming "Allahu Akbar!" and "cursing the cross." Also, a Muslim ring using sexual coercion to convert Christian girls was exposed. 
  • Pakistan: Newlyweds run for their lives, because the man is Christian, the woman Muslim. Under Sharia, the leader of the household, the man, must be Muslim. Says a Pakistani Muslim scholar: "I condemn this marriage, I call it illegal, these two could be killed for what they did."
Apostasy and Proselytizing
  • In Pakistan now, only 2% of the population is Christian. Nevertheless, when a man refused to convert to Islam, Muslims raped his 2-year-old daughter. She had five operations, and still is not restored to normalcy. Her family lives in fear and hiding. The news came out this year, but the crime occurred four years earlier. The story was repressed until now. 
  • Iran: A Christian pastor faces the death penalty for "convert(ing) to Christianity" and "encourag(ing) other Muslims to convert to Christianity." Even if he is found innocent of apostasy, the charge of evangelizing Muslims will still carry a severe penalty. 
  • Saudi Arabia: A captured Christian pastor is set to be deported to Muslim Eritrea, where he faces the death penalty.
General Killing of Christians
  • Ivory Coast: Muslims crucify two Christian brothers on "the example of Christ" and in accordance to Koran 5:33: "The pair were badly beaten and tortured before being crudely nailed to cross-shaped planks by their hands and feet with steel spikes."
The Islamic world has persecuted Christians for centuries, but it has become an epidemic. The same kinds of persecution permeate different areas, ethnicities, and language groups. Therefore, this persecution is not random but systematic and interrelated by its common root of Islamic law and teaching of Muslim supremacy.
Note the different types of persecution: hatred for churches and other Christian symbols, sexual abuse of Christian females and misogyny, laws against apostasy and blasphemy (which may be the most minor of disagreement), plunder in the name of the Islamic tax on non-believers, and expectation that Christians act humiliated (Raymond Ibrahim,, 8/12/11 muslim-persecution-of-christians-july
Most of the examples are verbatim from the source). Note the savagery with which Muslim mobs administer punishment on helpless minorities! Note also that the Muslim governments condone such mob persecution when they aren't complicit in it.
Pakistan had a much larger percentage of Hindus, as did Bangladesh. Persecution brought the percentage way down. And now Muslims focus on India, among other places. Christians recently were bombed in Iraq. The so-called Arab Spring is spreading the persecution like a plague.
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at

1 comment:

  1. Britain recognized de facto the annexation by Jordan; that theirs was not merely an “occupation” of someone else’s territory, on the principle that this was no-man’s land and you cannot occupy what never belonged to anyone (It did belong to the Jewish people as the legal owners which the Jews never gave up its claim and then various nations occupied it as occupied territories and Israel liberated it in 1967 in a defensive war and regained back its homeland). This was upheld by six consecutive British prime ministers and no one in the world dissented. Had there not been a war in 1967 when Israel liberated these territories that would have remained the situation, endorsed by another baker’s dozen British prime ministers. The territories would have been shrouded in non-controversy. The U.N. resolutions cannot supersede international Agreements and Treaties like The San Remo Resolution of April 1920 confirmed by The Treaty of Sevres Article 95 in August 1920 and included in The Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. Additionally there was the Feisal Weitzman Treaty of January 3, 1919 which acknowledged that the territory region known as Palestine is The Jewish Homeland.
    Proposals presented to the 1919 Paris Conference.
    The Zionist Organization respectfully submits the following draft resolutions for the consideration of the 1919 Peace Conference:

    1. The High Contracting Parties recognize the historic title of the Jewish people to Palestine and the right of the Jews to reconstitute in Palestine their National Home.
    The Boundaries of Palestine-Israel
    The boundaries of Palestine shall follow the general lines set out below:
    Starting on the North al a point on the Mediterranean Sea in the vicinity South of Sidon and following the watersheds of the foothills of the Lebanon as far as JISR EL KARAON, thence to EL BIRE following the dividing line between the two basins of tile WAD: EL Kook and the Wadi ET TEIM thence in a southerly direction following the dividing line between the Eastern and Western slopes of the HERMON, to the vicinity West of BEIT JENN, thence Eastward following the northern watersheds of the NAHR MUGHANIYE close to and west of the Hedjaz Railway
    In the East a line close to and West of the Hedjaz Railway terminating in the Gulf of Akaba.
    In the South a frontier to be agreed upon with the Egyptian Government.
    In the West the Mediterranean Sea.
